S.T. Cotter Turbine Services, Inc., is a rotating machinery company with 200 years of combined experience. We are a complete turnkey service provider with a focus on steam turbines, gas turbines and precision rotating equipment in refineries, power plants, paper mills and ethanol plants. We provide service for “planned maintenance, emergent outages and/or balance of plant“, across the country and around the world. Our union field personnel have extensive safety training and multiple unit experience which helps streamline each project. Supporting the field personnel is a staff with 75 years of project management experience from around the globe. S.T. CTS, Inc., is a progressive WBENC, DBE certified & NAWBO – Woman on the Way Award company. With a progressive project management system and top notch tooling we are able to take on any turbine maintenance or installation activity. Gas turbine outages and combustion part repairs are well within the capabilities of S.T. CTS. Rotating and reciprocating refinery machinery is also a specialty of S.T. CTS. We have refinery contracts with craft and management personnel onsite performing predictive and preventive maintenance as well as turnaround support. Call @ 612-424-5614 or Email:info@stcotterturbine.com.
S.T. Cotter Turbine Services Inc
Discount Offers

2135 196th St E, Clearwater, MN 55320